[From highly detailed 10th scale interior promotional models to 500th scale planing massing models, hotel models can take a range of forms. Very real interior finishes were required for the Tibbatts Associates 'Nite Nite' concept, whilst a lift-out roof and garden reveals the underground spa at the Donnington Valley Hotel, modelled at 150th scale. The Cruise liner form of Butlin's new luxury hotel is captured at 100th scale, above and below.]

Sussex Modelmakers (Proprietor: Peter Bond), 17 Manor Close, Havant, PO9 1BD
Telephone: (02392) 474100 or (07817) 884832

Sussex Modelmakers (Proprietor: Peter Bond), 17 Manor Close, Havant, PO9 1BD
Telephone: (02392) 474100 or (07817) 884832